Stop Focusing On Where You Are Now
Too often we focus on the wrong things. Like worrying about your competition, or where you are in your life right now, if that statement confuses you, pay attention to this episode.
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Who is Mike Crow?
Mike Crow is a Marketing and Business Expert who has built and managed multiple 7-figure businesses, including two 7-figure inspection firms.
For the past 15 years, he's coached thousands of other inspection business owners and has personally helped 100+ companies grow to $1,000,000+ in annual revenue. He has also helped multiple single-inspector operations earn 6-figure annual revenues (some surpassing $300,000).
Mike can teach any entrepreneur how to systematize and market their business to achieve their personal and professional goals.
Hi. This is Mike Crow, and I run home inspection business.
Speaker:In fact, I've run a couple of home inspection businesses.
Speaker:You know, true joy for me, though, has been helping literally
Speaker:thousands of home inspectors build really solid home inspection business as well.
Speaker:We can help a single man operation be able to do over $300,000 a year,
Speaker:maybe all the way up to $400,000 a year as a single inspector operation.
Speaker:Even better for me is the 80 plus companies that we have helped
Speaker:be able to build million dollar home inspection businesses.
Speaker:I would like to help you be able to do the same thing
Speaker:Too often we focus on the wrong things
Speaker:like worrying about your competition or where you are in your life right now.
Speaker:If that statement confuses you, pay attention to this episode.
Speaker:If you have
Speaker:any questions for Mike or want to know how we can help you grow your business,
Speaker:you can email us at Hello at Coach Blueprint dot com
Speaker:You have four parts of your body.
Speaker:You have four lives to live.
Speaker:You have a physical you have a mental.
Speaker:You have a social and a spiritual.
Speaker:Each side that is developed
Speaker:in turn stimulates the other three sides, all for one and one for all.
Speaker:Kind of like the Musketeers.
Speaker:A man must play work love and worship to get the most out of life.
Speaker:You have to do all four parts to get the most.
Speaker:When you understand this, you actually realize you have four lives to live.
Speaker:Then the more you pour out, the more you have to pour.
Speaker:In other words, the more you share with others, the more you have yourself.
Speaker:We say that again, the more
Speaker:you share with others, the more you have yourself.
Speaker:You know, we have a poster back here that says The more money you make,
Speaker:the more people you can help.
Speaker:But I'm going to tell you, the more people you help,
Speaker:the more you grow as a person as well.
Speaker:It's kind of a cool, cool thing.
Speaker:Okay, so do this real quick.
Speaker:Take a piece of paper and draw this graph.
Speaker:And I just want you to grade yourself, and I'm not going to ask to see anybody's.
Speaker:I'm going to show you kind of mine here in a second, but take a look on the graph.
Speaker:So if you have spiritual, you have mental, physical, social
Speaker:and all of those grades yourself on a one to ten,
Speaker:how strong are you in those different areas?
Speaker:And I'm going to tell you a very big secret here
Speaker:because people have been lying to you about this as well.
Speaker:Even this book has a little bit of
Speaker:difficulty with this.
Speaker:So physical, let's say physical is the one on the. Yep.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So I'm about a six I'm about a six out of ten.
Speaker:Because quite honestly, I don't exercise as much as I should.
Speaker:Robyn, Michelle, they go running every morning and I
Speaker:look at them and I go, wow, that's invigorating.
Speaker:Let me go get some breakfast.
Speaker:And then on the spiritual,
Speaker:I'm going to tell you that I'm probably out of ten.
Speaker:I am probably one of the most faith driven people you'll ever run into
Speaker:because I see myself as a conduit
Speaker:for our Heavenly Father to use me to reach other people.
Speaker:And it's one of my biggest,
Speaker:biggest secrets to my success.
Speaker:And then then there's social.
Speaker:And I'm going to tell you, social is one of my weak spots.
Speaker:And I'm about a four
Speaker:because I'm an introvert.
Speaker:I know you don't believe that
Speaker:in seeing me up here and watching me get around and talking with everybody.
Speaker:The honest truth is, I would love to stay up my room
Speaker:as much as I could and just come down when I have to be on stage.
Speaker:And if I didn't have to be on stage, I wouldn't be up here.
Speaker:But I have learned
Speaker:that to do what I need to do on the spiritual side,
Speaker:I have to be available to people and I have to help people succeed as well.
Speaker:So it forces me to be a better social person.
Speaker:And then on the other one is mental Now, can I tell you guys a secret?
Speaker:And Susan hates us. Susan, are you back there? Yep, she has. Good.
Speaker:I want to make sure I say it in front of her.
Speaker:Susan's the smart one in the family.
Speaker:I'm the go getter.
Speaker:I'm the doer.
Speaker:But Susan was actually valedictorian of her class, and so I call Susan.
Speaker:I joke a little bit, but I'm serious.
Speaker:I call Susan my little intellect, because if I need to know anything, I ask her.
Speaker:And we have this little church group that comes to our house,
Speaker:and there's this other guy, and he's an intellect,
Speaker:and I just love watching him and Susan talk
Speaker:about all kinds of things that I have absolutely zero interest in.
Speaker:But the bottom line is, what is your what is your mental level?
Speaker:I will also tell you that my mental level improves
Speaker:because I'm hanging around you guys and you guys are forcing me.
Speaker:And it's probably an eight for me because I am fully engaged
Speaker:mentally on preparing to try to help you guys.
Speaker:So now take a look. This is my box.
Speaker:Is not a nice square box.
Speaker:So here's the thing that everybody lies to you about.
Speaker:They tell you you need to be a balanced person.
Speaker:They tell you you need to have it all basically at ten years.
Speaker:And I'm going to tell you something and
Speaker:I'm going to tell you the real version that is completely bogus.
Speaker:Now, every time I say bogus, you guys know what I'm telling you.
Speaker:But people want to tell you, you should have it all balanced out,
Speaker:successful people never have a full square.
Speaker:You just don't.
Speaker:And you're flexing all the time.
Speaker:And if you don't flex, you don't grow.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:I don't know what your box looks at, but here's what I will tell you.
Speaker:When I look at the box, I go, ooh, a 600 to work on that,
Speaker:and I'll get it and I'll start exercising.
Speaker:I'll do 25 30 pushups in the morning and I'll do crunches and I'll do this
Speaker:and I'll do that. And I have to £10
Speaker:barbells, whatever you call
Speaker:them, dumb waiters, whatever I don't know
Speaker:man. And I'll, and I'll sit there and do 50 crunches
Speaker:and so I work out and I do that for about a month or two and then I quit
Speaker:and I might go up to a ten and I go back down to a six
Speaker:and it depends on what I'm trying to get done.
Speaker:Now the day of defending your present possessions is gone.
Speaker:I don't care where you are right now.
Speaker:I don't care what you have right now.
Speaker:What I want is for you to start
Speaker:working on where you want to be in the future,
Speaker:not worrying about what your competition's doing.
Speaker:I want you to understand the competition is not a problem.
Speaker:Competition is something in your brain.
Speaker:My dad used to tell me all the time, son, don't worry about the competition.
Speaker:And I think he was right.
Speaker:Now I pay attention to what they do in some different things.
Speaker:But don't worry about your competition.
Speaker:You're going to wake up in the morning thinking of new ways to do things
Speaker:rather than reasons why they can't be done.
Speaker:And I'm going to tell you, this is one of my new sayings.
Speaker:Don't worry about your competition.
Speaker:Let them worry about you.
Speaker:That's their problem.
Speaker:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker:And I have competition.
Speaker:I have like six other million plus dollar companies in my area
Speaker:that every day I know they get up.
Speaker:And part of their game plan is what is Texans backed up to today.
Speaker:And their marketing people will bash us
Speaker:Some people will tell them that
Speaker:we're doing things wrong illegally.
Speaker:Some people will tell them that, oh, we we don't do this or whatever.
Speaker:I don't want you to know. I don't care
Speaker:it doesn't
Speaker:behoove me to focus on that.
Speaker:Let's just go kick their butt.
Speaker:And so actually, we sat down with Jonathan,
Speaker:and Kristen said, So what's the next thing in our file
Speaker:that he doesn't know about that we can put into place?
Speaker:Because I am the king of backups.
Speaker:Call it the Bismarck factor.
Speaker:I am the king of backups.
Speaker:So we went to our file
Speaker:and Jonathan and Kristen, I pulled out the internal marketing program
Speaker:that we've been developing for years and we fully implemented it
Speaker:and we crushed
Speaker:we crushed it.
Speaker:You're going to be surrounded by that 95%
Speaker:that wants you to give more attention
Speaker:to garbage than to success.
Speaker:Which do you want to focus on?
Speaker:Because, one, it's easy because it goes downhill
Speaker:and the other one is uphill okay.
Speaker:So be strong.
Speaker:You know, wealth can't really buy health, by the way.
Speaker:I'm not sure that's true, but in the book it says wealth cannot buy health.
Speaker:Health will make you wealthy if you will use your energies in the right directions.
Speaker:And I will tell you, energy is important.
Speaker:So here's a couple of questions you should ask yourself.
Speaker:Do I have a capacity for hard work?
Speaker:My dad taught me there's dad standing in the back door back there.
Speaker:My dad taught me this.
Speaker:He taught me you have to have capacity for hard work.
Speaker:You have to be able to turn it on and leave it on until you're done.
Speaker:Can I keep everlasting at it?
Speaker:Can I have that sustained pep and punch?
Speaker:Can I maintain a high batting average?
Speaker:And what is my ability to spurt?
Speaker:I will tell you in business, you have to have the ability to spurt.
Speaker:You have to have that ability to run as fast as you can.
Speaker:That 100 yard dash you've got to have that ability.
Speaker:So most people do things they enjoy.
Speaker:Most people do things they enjoy,
Speaker:and people will tell you one of the biggest,
Speaker:biggest lies and I love Brian yesterday because he really pointed out to you
Speaker:that you're being lied to every single day.
Speaker:The media I want you to know the media, the radio, the advertisements.
Speaker:Everything's designed
Speaker:to make you one of the 95%
Speaker:that's what they want is for you
Speaker:to be one of the 95%
Speaker:the movies I go and see make rich guys
Speaker:the evil people
Speaker:and they and it is just mind boggling me.
Speaker:But that's where they want you because they can sell more to you.
Speaker:They can put you in debt.
Speaker:They can make you do things
Speaker:you really shouldn't do that are not in the best interest for you.
Speaker:Most people do things
Speaker:they enjoy and people tell you, do what you enjoy.
Speaker:And the money will follow.
Speaker:And I want you to know that's completely bogus.
Speaker:Here's what the real secret is
Speaker:Make yourself enjoy doing the things you don't like to do.
Speaker:That's what successful people do.
Speaker:I can not tell you the number of times my dad asked me to do something
Speaker:I did not want to do.
Speaker:But it's also the reason I'm standing up here and I'm successful
Speaker:is because he taught me
Speaker:to do the things even when I didn't enjoy doing them.
Speaker:And you need to know that you've got two voices you don't really need to exercise.
Speaker:It's kind of a waste of energy. Boy, I hear that voice a lot.
Speaker:Okay, now is your opportunity to start the biggest day of the week,
Speaker:and a strong body is necessary for you to tackle that bigger job.
Speaker:Are you willing to get up and exercise a little bit?
Speaker:I will tell you when I get up, exercise my whole day is better.
Speaker:Just don't, don't don't beat me up on that next time, okay?
Speaker:But my whole day is better.
Speaker:And. Okay, so what weakness will you have to overcome this year to be stronger?