Home Inspection Business Insights: Current Landscape and Future Trends
Davy sits down with Mike Crow to discuss what the home inspection business look like today. Mike touches on what the current demand is for a home inspection, how is that affected by the market, how inspection fees are changing and most importantly what you as a business owner can do to adapt for the future.
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Who is Mike Crow?
Mike Crow is a Marketing and Business Expert who has built and managed multiple 7-figure businesses, including two 7-figure inspection firms.
For the past 15 years, he's coached thousands of other inspection business owners and has personally helped 100+ companies grow to $1,000,000+ in annual revenue. He has also helped multiple single-inspector operations earn 6-figure annual revenues (some surpassing $300,000).
Mike can teach any entrepreneur how to systematize and market their business to achieve their personal and professional goals.
Hi, this is Mike Crow and I run a home inspection business.
Speaker:In fact, I've run a couple of home inspection businesses.
Speaker:The true joy for me though, has been helping literally thousands of
Speaker:home inspectors build really solid home inspection business as well.
Speaker:We can help a single man operation be able to do over $300,000 a year,
Speaker:maybe all the way up to $400,000 a year as a single inspector operation.
Speaker:Even better for me is the 80 plus companies that we have helped
Speaker:be able to build million dollar home inspection businesses.
Speaker:I would like to help you be able to do the same thing.
Speaker:Hey, I'm Davy Tyburski.
Speaker:You may know me as America's Chief Profit Officer.
Speaker:And of course, today I have Mike Crow, the father of home inspector marketing.
Speaker:Today's topic is home inspection business.
Speaker:So we're going to dive into a few questions we've received and also in
Speaker:doing some research to really dive into the home inspection business in general.
Speaker:So Mike, I'm going to start with a simple question for you is, you
Speaker:know, what's the current demand for home inspections in the market?
Speaker:And what do you expect to see as far as growth or declines in the near future?
Speaker:These are great questions.
Speaker:You know, I've been at this since 1985, right?
Speaker:Oh, decades, decades, decades.
Speaker:And so when I first came into the home inspection business, you
Speaker:know, only about 20 percent of people Even new home inspections
Speaker:existed and probably 80 percent of those would get a home inspection.
Speaker:So, do your calculations based off of that.
Speaker:The good news nowadays is that almost everybody has heard about home inspections
Speaker:and probably 80 plus percent of them are getting home inspections as well.
Speaker:The demand for home inspections is a very interesting question because it really
Speaker:depends on the marketplace a little bit.
Speaker:It depends on, you know, if it's a really heavy seller's market.
Speaker:People are bypassing their inspection, and we see some people in the last several
Speaker:years, and we'll see it again in the future, where people are going, Oh, no,
Speaker:no, I, I, I, I will waive my inspection so I get a chance to live in this home, okay?
Speaker:80 plus percent of those people regret that, okay?
Speaker:And it's a, it's a very interesting thing.
Speaker:And then we get to the other side, where, you know, when it's a buyer's
Speaker:market, everybody's really thinking about the home inspection and getting it.
Speaker:When I was in the early 85s, 90s even, you know, the question was,
Speaker:do I get a home inspection or do I not get a home inspection?
Speaker:Nowadays, the question is...
Speaker:Who do I use for my home inspection?
Speaker:And why do I choose that person?
Speaker:So, the current demand for home inspections in the
Speaker:marketplace is really good.
Speaker:It's very solid.
Speaker:In any normal market, it's very good.
Speaker:It's very solid.
Speaker:80 plus percent of people are getting that.
Speaker:And I expect that to grow.
Speaker:I expect it to grow.
Speaker:And, honestly, I expect us to see, and we'll talk about this probably
Speaker:on another, another opportunity, but I expect inspectors to expand
Speaker:past just a home inspection for a buyer and other types of things.
Speaker:Maybe we'll get a chance to talk about it here in a little bit,
Speaker:but so it's very, very solid.
Speaker:And, you know, here's the coolest thing.
Speaker:Amazon isn't going to start selling home inspections tomorrow.
Speaker:Just like the, you know, I went on Amazon today and bought, and I looked at 10
Speaker:buyers and went, oh, that one, you know and maybe it's the cheapest, maybe it's
Speaker:the quickest, I don't know, whatever it is, but Amazon's not going to do that.
Speaker:And in the appraisal world, I was, I was listening to a guy the other day go, I'm
Speaker:in the appraisal business, I've been in the appraisal business for all these I'm
Speaker:still doing appraisals, but the appraisal business got basically federalized, okay?
Speaker:I mean, all of a sudden there was one way to get you know appraisals.
Speaker:I don't see that happening anytime soon in the home inspector market either.
Speaker:There's chances of it, but not likely.
Speaker:And so I think, I think we're in a great industry.
Speaker:We're in a great industry where we have the opportunity to really
Speaker:take this thing to the next level.
Speaker:a matter of fact, Mike, you know, we, with our private coaching members that are part
Speaker:of our home inspector group you know, one of the things we researched recently
Speaker:was just approximately how many home inspectors are there in the United States
Speaker:and, you know, depending on where you look, it's somewhere between 28 and 32,
Speaker:000, but there are, there are significant amount of home inspectors out there.
Speaker:And one of the things like you talked about with our private group is,
Speaker:You've got to make yourself different.
Speaker:Marketing is a big component of that.
Speaker:So you don't want to be you know, thrown in to the 30, 000 ish that are out there,
Speaker:how do you make yourself different?
Speaker:And I know that's one of the things you've been teaching home inspectors
Speaker:for years of how do you do that?
Speaker:I have a second question for you.
Speaker:You ready for the follow up?
Speaker:You bet.
Speaker:You got it, man.
Speaker:So how does the current housing market affect the home inspection industry?
Speaker:And, and more importantly, how do you see that changing in the future?
Speaker:Because I, I've, you know, you and I've been friends for many, many years, way
Speaker:over 12, 13 years, whatever it's been.
Speaker:And I know you have this unique ability to like see around the corner.
Speaker:So share with our listeners today, what do you see changing in that?
Speaker:And again, how does the current housing market affect
Speaker:the home inspection industry?
Speaker:And then what do you see around
Speaker:the corner, Mike?
Speaker:Well, and, and if the housing market's just part of the of the scenario,
Speaker:it's the industry itself that's growing and changing as well that really
Speaker:affects a lot of a lot of people.
Speaker:So kind of like what I said, you know, if we're in a seller's
Speaker:market, less home inspections, okay?
Speaker:If we are in a downturn a recession, a depression even, there's
Speaker:probably less home inspections.
Speaker:Now, the great part of that is that it matters.
Speaker:But for the right guys, it doesn't matter that much.
Speaker:So, even if there's a recession, even if there's a depression, even
Speaker:if it's a seller's market we are still out there, we're still doing
Speaker:inspections, we're still growing.
Speaker:Now, in 2007 to 2010, 50 plus percent of home inspectors went out of business.
Speaker:Because of the recession, because the market slowed down,
Speaker:because of so many things.
Speaker:And the big part of that, of course, was that they didn't
Speaker:know how to market themselves.
Speaker:And as you said, they didn't know how to differentiate themselves.
Speaker:So again, people aren't thinking about, you know, whether they
Speaker:get an inspection or not.
Speaker:Most of them are going to go, yeah, we want to get an inspection.
Speaker:They're going, who do I get an inspection from?
Speaker:And it's kind of like, well, do I fly Southwest Airlines, you know, or do I
Speaker:fly American Airlines, or do I fly Delta?
Speaker:And sometimes it's just where you're located, right?
Speaker:But in the local marketplace, they're, well, a small marketplace is going to
Speaker:probably have five to ten inspectors, but in a marketplace like the Dallas Fort
Speaker:Worth area where I'm at, we have well over, you know, probably about 500 to
Speaker:1, 000 at any given time home inspectors.
Speaker:But the truth is, 80 percent of the business is done by 10 companies, okay?
Speaker:And one of the biggest changes in the industry has been companies that are
Speaker:growing and pulling on other inspectors and, and setting it up that direction.
Speaker:And then, of course, the marketing becomes the, the real big thing.
Speaker:One, one last interesting piece of this whole puzzle that inspectors
Speaker:need to make sure that they're keeping into consideration, and that
Speaker:is the fact that our business is very responsive to the time of year.
Speaker:So in June, I'm doing 10 percent of my business and in December,
Speaker:I'm doing 5 percent of my business.
Speaker:So you have to make sure that you have that all set up in your business to
Speaker:make sure that you can handle winter.
Speaker:And I go around and then people go, well, that sounds very Game of Thrones.
Speaker:I go, winter is coming, you know, you know, and I never even really got into
Speaker:the whole Game of Thrones thing or watched it much, but the saying was so big, you
Speaker:know, you know, it's kind of like the Godfather thing, you know, I'm going
Speaker:to make him an offer he can't refuse.
Speaker:You know, that sounds like the Godfather, right?
Speaker:But the bottom line is, the industry is in a good place right now, and the
Speaker:industry is going to grow, and the industry is going to continue to grow,
Speaker:I believe and for the right people.
Speaker:The people that really understand how to be responsive and ahead of
Speaker:the curve on what's coming in the economy and the industry itself.
Speaker:Well, as you know, with our group, right, our private group of home inspectors,
Speaker:we talk about the five F's, right?
Speaker:We got, we got family, we got faith, we got financial, we got fitness, we got fun.
Speaker:So, let's dive a little deeper on the financial side.
Speaker:I just looked at a few stats prior to setting up the podcast with
Speaker:you today, and like the median, or like, let's say, an average.
Speaker:wage for home inspectors, somewhere between 50, 000, 70, 000.
Speaker:And obviously the industry is expected to grow somewhere between 2 percent and 5%.
Speaker:But my specific question to you is this, in your decades of experience,
Speaker:you know, back when your dad started Texinspec all those years ago, what
Speaker:do you see the average inspection fee like today for a home inspection?
Speaker:And then I think again, same question, what else should home inspectors be
Speaker:doing around offering other services?
Speaker:Man, you, you are nailing the questions.
Speaker:You are nailing the
Speaker:It's not me.
Speaker:These are the questions we receive every day.
Speaker:You know, when folks reach out to us to talk about our group
Speaker:and some of the other things.
Speaker:So these are great questions from potential members
Speaker:of our group.
Speaker:Well, and, and that, that explains why you're, you're so on track.
Speaker:Because, yeah, these are the kind of questions that we hear all the time when
Speaker:I go to conference after conference after conference to speak to people, you know.
Speaker:And the average home inspector used to be, by the way, that your
Speaker:average inspection was very low, and so the inspector didn't make that
Speaker:much, but our prices have gone up.
Speaker:We'll talk more about that here in a little bit, probably, but the average
Speaker:home inspector, you're absolutely correct, should make on the low side
Speaker:50, 000 and look, I, I have, I, I have Any, anywhere near from 15 to 20
Speaker:inspectors plus, depending on what time of year, depending on, you know, people
Speaker:that quit and join us and, and how many, with training and everything else.
Speaker:But our guys make anywhere from 50, a year working.
Speaker:For us.
Speaker:Think about that.
Speaker:That's working for us, okay?
Speaker:I talked with an inspector the other day that was in business for himself, and he's
Speaker:going, yeah, I'm doing pretty good, but I really need to grow the business now,
Speaker:I need to take it to the next whole level and he's doing about 100, 000 a year.
Speaker:Now, here's, here's the interesting point of that.
Speaker:He's doing about 100, 000 a year.
Speaker:Now subtract out his cost of doing business, right?
Speaker:That's what he's really making.
Speaker:So I think the neighborhood of somewhere between 000 is a reasonable
Speaker:figure for an inspector to be able to make coming into this business.
Speaker:And if you're working for somebody that whole industry now, That's one of the
Speaker:big changes is the whole industry now is going towards multi inspector firms.
Speaker:And so when, used to be when somebody was going through school, they're
Speaker:going, all right, so I need to do this and this and this and this
Speaker:to go into business for myself.
Speaker:Now what we see when people go through the school, they're going, okay, who's hiring?
Speaker:Complete shift.
Speaker:Complete shift inside of that.
Speaker:And then you have someone like me, that has that ability to see
Speaker:around the corner, you know, 10, 15, 20 years from now, that's
Speaker:running the business, the visionary.
Speaker:But we also have marketing people out there visiting
Speaker:offices and doing presentations.
Speaker:And we have people that are doing online marketing for us all the time.
Speaker:And then we are going after bigger contracts, you know so
Speaker:that we can pull in bunches of inspections, not just one or two.
Speaker:And so.
Speaker:There's so many good things happening in the industry for people.
Speaker:So yeah, I think an average inspector could easily make 50 to 75.
Speaker:Now, a business owner can easily make a lot more if he's willing to
Speaker:take the time to grow his business.
Speaker:And honestly, that's who we work with more than anybody else.
Speaker:We work with single man operations.
Speaker:And we've been able to take single man operations to 300,
Speaker:000 plus dollars per year.
Speaker:We call, I love to call those guys the Iron Man Inspector, right?
Speaker:And I didn't really expect that to happen, but some guys are just stubborn.
Speaker:They want to stay a single man operation their entire life, you know?
Speaker:And then, of course, we've helped over a hundred companies build
Speaker:million plus dollar inspections.
Speaker:A million, two million, three million, four million, and so forth.
Speaker:And there are some out there doing ten million dollars now.
Speaker:And at each one of those million dollar marks, it seems like there's a really
Speaker:sweet spot, especially for profit, and being the Chief Profit Officer,
Speaker:I knew you would appreciate that.
Speaker:So, simple formula, you know, 6 plus 2B plus 1 equals a million dollar home
Speaker:inspection business, and when you hit that spot, You don't have to do inspections
Speaker:yourself as much unless you want to and you get to take home a lot of profit as
Speaker:well, so, yeah, an inspector can make anywhere from 50, 000 to 75, 000 depending
Speaker:on who he's working for and if he wants to work for himself, he's still going
Speaker:to make about the same after you figure off his cost of doing business, but if
Speaker:you really want to grow your business past that to having two, three, four,
Speaker:five, six inspectors, you could do even, even better than that without having
Speaker:to do a single inspection yourself.
Speaker:We're about halfway halfway through, Mike.
Speaker:So a couple other quickies before I ask you the time to complete an inspection.
Speaker:I think it's important because we have so many more people that join our
Speaker:podcast and listen to kind of what you've established over all these years, but
Speaker:I want to make sure that folks that are relatively new to the podcast and new
Speaker:to Mike Crowe, That you know, Mike Crow obviously runs a home inspection business.
Speaker:So he's been there, done that, he's still doing it today.
Speaker:And actually, Texinspec is a prototype company.
Speaker:So when, when Mike is answering my questions that came from our members
Speaker:and other potential prospects that want to be part of our group, I understand
Speaker:he, he's not doing it off of theory.
Speaker:He's answering these questions from his real business that does,
Speaker:you know, 3 million plus a year.
Speaker:So I want people to understand that, hey, this is not just a podcast
Speaker:where we're reading out of a book.
Speaker:No, these are real life examples from Mike's prototype company.
Speaker:So, Mike maybe in a minute or less, tell me the time it should
Speaker:take to complete an inspection.
Speaker:The time to take it to complete an inspection will vary on how
Speaker:many inspection types you're really doing for the inspection.
Speaker:See, most home inspectors are only doing a home inspection, right?
Speaker:Our company not only does the home inspection, but on average three
Speaker:other or three plus inspections at every inspection, right?
Speaker:And that's what I want you
Speaker:to dive into because I think a lot of the new folks entering
Speaker:the industry, they're like, well, I'm out to do a home inspection.
Speaker:But man, what you and the rest of the company has done is really
Speaker:expand beyond quote, What I would call the basic home inspection.
Speaker:So let's talk more about that and give some ideas to our listeners
Speaker:around that.
Speaker:And it's a great point because remember how we talked about,
Speaker:you know, an inspector could make somewhere between 75, 000.
Speaker:A big part of that difference is, you know, what else is he doing?
Speaker:So a lot of inspectors, of course, do radon, or swimming pool, and
Speaker:spray color, and termite inspections, and septic, and well, and sewer line
Speaker:inspections, and mold inspections.
Speaker:And that's just the, that's just the ones that come off the top of my head.
Speaker:And so every one of those takes a little bit of extra time during the inspection.
Speaker:But for just a good solid home inspection, and I, I would say
Speaker:probably 80 percent of our home inspections include the termite as well.
Speaker:So for the home and termite inspection we, me and my dad started
Speaker:calculating this back in the 80s, 90s.
Speaker:It's still very relevant today.
Speaker:We figure it's about an hour per thousand square feet with no less
Speaker:than an hour and a half, two hours.
Speaker:And so if it's a 4, 000 square foot home, we figure it's going to be
Speaker:about four to four and a half hours.
Speaker:Now we have developed our own system.
Speaker:And I love the fact that you pointed out we're running a prototype company
Speaker:because the guys that we coach, we allow them to come ride with us, see what
Speaker:we're doing without having to go join a franchise, you know, and pay thousands
Speaker:of dollars for that and then pay 10 percent out, you know per month of
Speaker:their gross revenue to somebody or pay a flat fee to some franchise that Keeps
Speaker:them from really expanding and doing all the things that are possible, but
Speaker:a thousand, about an hour per thousand square feet and for the home and termite
Speaker:inspection, plus about half an hour for us to produce the report on site and give
Speaker:it to the people right then and there.
Speaker:And, you know, our members, we hand them that report.
Speaker:It's a, it's a, it's a.
Speaker:It's a proprietary thing, but it's basically something I created 20
Speaker:years ago, 25 years ago, and we're still using that same system nowadays.
Speaker:And one of the things that most home inspectors make the mistake of is getting
Speaker:into way too of a complicated report.
Speaker:So for some guys out there, and it breaks my heart a little bit they go do the
Speaker:inspection and it takes them 2 or 3 hours, then they go home and it takes
Speaker:them 2 to 3 hours to do the report.
Speaker:Oh, that's, it's, it's just painful thinking about it.
Speaker:That goes against,
Speaker:that goes against our 5 Fs, right?
Speaker:it does.
Speaker:Because they're, that, that's time they could spend with their family
Speaker:and heaven help them if they did two inspections that day, and even if
Speaker:they spent six or seven hours and they go home and have to spend another
Speaker:six or seven hours doing the report.
Speaker:In fact, one of the things that I.
Speaker:I used to have it happen all the time, and I'm sure it happens to Jonathan,
Speaker:my son now, who oversees our inspection business, is that about three months after
Speaker:we put an inspector in the field on his own and everything, we get a phone call.
Speaker:Hey, Mike, I'm sitting in the driveway, and I'm home, and I did
Speaker:two inspections today, and I just realized I'm home, and I'm done.
Speaker:You know, and I just want to tell you thank you, because when I was out
Speaker:there doing inspections on my own, you know, I would go spend, you know,
Speaker:three hours in inspection and, and then come home and spend another two
Speaker:hours, three hours on the report, and I don't have to do that anymore.
Speaker:I just want to tell you thank you.
Speaker:So, you know, how much time does it take to complete an inspection?
Speaker:Well, if you do it a systematized way, the way we built it it's pretty, pretty
Speaker:simple, straightforward and be careful, because Home inspectors in general love to
Speaker:spend way too much time on their report.
Speaker:And so that's one of the big things that we changed to make things a little
Speaker:easier for the guys that we coach.
Speaker:great, great feedback, Mike.
Speaker:And I'm sure the listeners are getting a lot out of the podcast.
Speaker:So the last question before we land the plane, it's really
Speaker:like a three part question.
Speaker:I'll try to combine it into one.
Speaker:So what are the significant changes in pricing?
Speaker:What are the significant changes you see coming in the home inspection
Speaker:business, sort of in general?
Speaker:And then the last part is, what should home inspectors
Speaker:be doing right now to adapt?
Speaker:So again, pricing changes, market changes in the business, and the last
Speaker:one is, what should the home inspectors listening to the podcast today do
Speaker:to adapt to those two situations?
Speaker:You know, and When I started working with home inspectors, especially those
Speaker:that own businesses, and especially those that have been in business they patterned
Speaker:their, their pricing structure off of what was done 30 years ago, or 20 years ago.
Speaker:They don't even realize that they're patterning it off of that.
Speaker:It's kind of like the, it's kind of like so many things.
Speaker:Most people don't realize that Romans decided how wide our roads would be.
Speaker:Okay, because of the way that they set up the chariots and the ruts and the road
Speaker:and everything, and then that went over to, you know, the, the wagons and that
Speaker:went over to the trains and that went over to the automobiles and that, and,
Speaker:and today our roads are so wide based off of something that happened then, right?
Speaker:And, and let's not say it was a bad thing, but we've improved a lot of
Speaker:that in the process, so immediately.
Speaker:One of the things that I talk to people is one, how to raise your prices,
Speaker:because most guys are undercharging.
Speaker:Almost everybody's undercharging.
Speaker:So we have a formula three times 90 times two where we, we go through
Speaker:the pieces of that on how to fix your formula, raise your prices.
Speaker:And then most of them are based off of blocks of square footage and
Speaker:and we immediately adjust the blocks of square footage per prices, which
Speaker:gives them an increase immediately.
Speaker:And then we teach them how to start raising their prices based off of
Speaker:what their marketing is and how their, their kill ratio is on the
Speaker:phone and do some things along that.
Speaker:And immediately, in fact.
Speaker:It's so funny because within less than three months, our
Speaker:coaching pays for itself.
Speaker:Our coaching pays for itself.
Speaker:Because once they've made that change on price and, and the blocks, and,
Speaker:and learning when to raise prices, and then learning how to add in some
Speaker:of those other inspection types that we talked about a minute ago their
Speaker:whole pricing structure changes.
Speaker:And, and it's not unusual for our guys to go...
Speaker:I'm making 100 more per inspection now than I used to.
Speaker:I'm making 150 or 200.
Speaker:We've seen some guys literally double their prices when they used to make 300.
Speaker:Now they're making 600.
Speaker:And it's not unusual for a thousand plus dollar inspections to roll.
Speaker:And even for our prototype company here and for our guys a lot of times.
Speaker:And so there's been a lot of good things along those lines.
Speaker:It's like the gift.
Speaker:It's like the gift that keeps on giving, Mr.
Speaker:It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Speaker:That's right.
Speaker:And one, one of the things though, that.
Speaker:You talked about the future and I want to make sure that you hear this.
Speaker:I want to make sure everybody hears this loud and clear is that for the
Speaker:last 15, 20 years or so, companies have decided that the information from
Speaker:the home buyers is so important that they're giving away the home inspections.
Speaker:So there are a series of companies out there, even right now, and
Speaker:there's a series of companies that have tried it and have failed so far.
Speaker:Somebody will figure it out eventually, and we need to be prepared when they do.
Speaker:I call this my what's next question.
Speaker:What's next, that if you don't see it coming, is that at some point,
Speaker:you may be doing home inspections.
Speaker:And somebody is going to start putting out a flyer going,
Speaker:Hey, home inspections for free.
Speaker:And how are you going to compete with that?
Speaker:If you don't know how to compete with that and how to understand that and
Speaker:how to build your business around that, you're, you're sunk, you're sunk.
Speaker:So we are teaching our coaching members.
Speaker:One of the biggest things about the home inspection business is that
Speaker:honestly, it is the first business.
Speaker:And then you want to add this business and add this business and add this
Speaker:business so that when this happens.
Speaker:You are actually in a position to do exactly the same thing if you have to
Speaker:because these other businesses will really be where you're making your money and
Speaker:doing different things down the line.
Speaker:Now, I honestly hope it never gets to the point where
Speaker:inspections are just free, okay?
Speaker:You know, there, there are automobile shops, right?
Speaker:Free oil change.
Speaker:It's free to get in.
Speaker:It's not free to get out.
Speaker:And, and so, but it could happen in our business.
Speaker:If somebody figures it out, somebody puts enough money behind it, they
Speaker:could literally, they could literally crater our company, implode our
Speaker:industry within two or three years.
Speaker:And if you're not prepared for that, you're, you're going
Speaker:to be in serious trouble.
Speaker:So there's ways to be prepared for that.
Speaker:That's one of the things we're coaching our guys on.
Speaker:The pricing is important.
Speaker:There's significant changes in the pricing.
Speaker:One, is our guys are making more right now.
Speaker:Let's take all that home.
Speaker:But let's also be prepared for when some idiot company comes in here and
Speaker:goes, Oh, we'll give that away for free so we can get to all of this.
Speaker:And we need to make sure we have that in place.
Speaker:Well, good.
Speaker:Well, Mike, I believe we're coming to the end of this episode, man.
Speaker:Always a blessing to have you share your wisdom with
Speaker:our home inspectors out there.
Speaker:And again, thanks for your, your listenership.
Speaker:Those of you that have tuned into the podcast.
Speaker:Again if you want to learn more about us, you can go to MikeCrowReturns.
Speaker:Obviously you can look around the description here and find our other
Speaker:links, but we'd love for you to join us at one of our upcoming meetings.
Speaker:So we can show you how we can serve you moving forward.
Speaker:So again, I'm David Tyburski, America's Chief Profit Officer
Speaker:here with my brother Mr.
Speaker:Mike Crow, the father of Home Inspector Marketing.
Speaker:And we look forward to seeing you very soon.
Speaker:So Mike, close us out, brother.
Speaker:Thank you so much.
Speaker:So everybody listening, remember, you know, around here in our, in
Speaker:our community, our village that we live by the five F's, okay?
Speaker:Family, faith, financial, fitness, and fun.
Speaker:And by the way, I could, I could list six more F's, but
Speaker:those are my high five, okay?
Speaker:Those are the ones that help us be able to every day kind of stay focused
Speaker:on what's important in our world.
Speaker:And don't forget the people you hang around, those are the people that
Speaker:are going to influence you the most.
Speaker:And it's one of the reasons I say be successful and be around
Speaker:those that are successful.
Speaker:You want to have better family, then hang around people that
Speaker:have better families, okay?
Speaker:You want to have better financial in your world, better, better finances, hang
Speaker:around people that understand finances.
Speaker:You want to be more faith driven, hang around people that are more
Speaker:faith driven, so forth and so on.
Speaker:It's so much fun watching the people Hang around in our circle
Speaker:to be able to take all of that to the whole next level as well.
Speaker:And like I say, be successful and be around those that are successful,
Speaker:because the more money we make, the more people we can help.
Speaker:So Davie, I want you to know, I love having a Chief Profit Officer that can
Speaker:help us get to that That bottom line and make sure that the bottom line is growing
Speaker:as well as the top line and everything.
Speaker:So thank you for your questions today.
Speaker:And thank you for the time that you put into helping, helping
Speaker:me help others in the process.
Speaker:We'll see you on the next podcast.
Speaker:Bye bye.